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Ash weevil

Symptoms : Adults feeds on leaf margins and the leaves become serrated, weevil lays eggs in the root zone, eggs hatches out and Larvae (grubs) feeds on the root and plants Get wilted.


1.5 ml/lt. Cypermethrin/Cymbush:
Regular sprays at the interval of 10- 1 5 days
Follow crop rotation


Fruit  borer

Symptoms : The larva bores inside the terminal shoots, resulting in the withering of the shoots. It also bores into the young fruit and feeds inside which makes the fruit unmarketable
Rotation of crops and the prompt destruction of damaged shoots on a community-wide basis are recommended as part of an overall IPM strategy.


Thiodan: 2 ml/lt. Or cymbush: 0.5 ml/lt.Corazen 0.3ml/lit.
Biopesticides: NSKE/Pongemia


Aphids & Jassids
It feeds on the juices within leaves and stems. Black sooty mold develops on the sugary excretions of the aphid. This sooty mold covers the plants, thereby reducing photosynthesis and weakening the plant. Aphids occur in the cool dry season


Nuvacron: 2 ml/lt. Or Hostothion: 1.5 ml/lt. Or Confidor: 0.3ml/lt


Shoot borer:
The larva bores inside the terminal shoots, resulting in the withering of the shoots. It also bores into the young fruit and feeds inside which makes the fruit unmarketable
Rotation of crops and the prompt destruction of damaged shoots on a community-wide basis are recommended as part of an overall IPM strategy.


Thiodan: 2 ml/lt. Or cymbush: 0.5 ml/lt.Corazen 0.3ml/lit
Biopesticides: NSKE/Pongemia.


Lady bird beetle
It feeds voraciously on the leaves and tender parts of eggplant. They cause serious damage during their larval stage and when they appear in large numbers. As a result of their feeding, skeletonized patches develop on leaves. Later, the leaves dry away.

Thiodane: 2 ml/lt. Or Sevin: 3 g/lt


Red Spider mites
It is a very destructive pest throughout the world. The larva bores inside the terminal shoots, resulting in the withering of the shoots. It also bores into the young fruit and feeds inside which makes the fruit unmarketable.

Kelthane (Dicofol): 2 ml/lt. Or Vertimec: 0.3 ml/lt.


Leaf hopper (Meloidogyne spp.)
It feeds mainly on the underside of eggplant leaves, causing yellow patches on the foliage. Certain species also transmit mycoplasma-like diseases, such as little leaf disease. Fruit setting is adversely affected by the infestation.

Nuvacron: 2 ml/lt. Or Hostothion: 1.5 ml/lt. Or Confidor: 0.3ml/lt.


It attacks brinjal mostly during the dry season. They cause browning of leaves, especially on the lower leaf surface, and the scarring of fruit.

Acephate: 1.2 g/lt. Or Confidor: 0.3 ml/lt.


Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.)
Infested plants appear stunted, wilted, yellowing, stem twesting root galls, root forking and distortion occur throughout  the year.

Control: Soil application of Neem cake or Furadon.