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Brinjal Varieties
released by ICAR- IIHR, Bangalore

Arka Navaneet (F1):
Plants are tall, highly branched with green angular leaves, fruits large (450g.), oval to oblong with deep purple shining skin It yields 65-70 t/ha in 150-160 days duration


Arka Anand (F1):
High yielding hybrid with resistance to bacterial wilt. Plants are tall and spreading dark green foliage with green stem. Average fruit weigh is about 55-60g and yields 65-70 t/ha in 140-150 days duration and has excellent keeping quality and suitable for growing for both in Kharif and Rabi seasons


Arka Sheel:
It is an open pollinated variety. Plants are tall with green leaves and purple tinge at the base when young. Fruits are medium long with deep shining purple skin. It yields 38 t/ha in 150-160 days duration


Arka Kusumakar:
Spreading plant habit with green stem & green leaves. Flowers white, green small fruits borne in clusters It yields 40 t/ha in 140-150 days duration.


Arka Shirish:
Tall plants, green leaves with white flowers. Fruits are green, extra long with solitary bearing habit. It yields 39 t/ha in 140-150 days duration.


Arka Nidhi:
High yielding variety with bacterial resistance. Plants tall and compact with deep purple green stem. Fruits free from bitter principles with slow seed maturity and good cooking qualities. It yields 48 t/ha in 150 days duration 


Arka Keshav: High yielding variety with bacterial resistance. Plants are tall and branched. It yields 45 t/ha in 150 days duration.

  • Other varieties : Open pollinated
  • Long type:  Annamalai, ARU-1, ARU-2C, Green Long, Gujrat Brinjal-6, Gulabi, Hisar Pragati, Junagarh Long, KS-331, Nurki Long, Pant Samrat, Pb. Chamikla, Sel-4, Pb. Barsati, Pb. Sadabahar, Pusa Kranti, Pusa Purple Cluster, Pusa Purple Long, Rajendra Baingan, Swetha, Swarna Pratibha, Utkal Jyoti, Ulkal Keshri and Utkal Madhuri,. 
  • Round type: AzadB-1, KS-224, Baramashi, CHBR-1, H-8, Nurki Round, Jamuni Gola, Pb. Neelam, MDU-1, Black Beauty, Pant Rituraj, P-8, Pb. Bahar, Pusa Purple Round, Pusa Upkar and Swarna Mani.
  • Oblong type: Azad Kranti, Bhagyamati, CO-2, Hisar Jamuni, JB-15, Pusa Uttam, Surya, Swarna Shree, Suphal, Swarna Syamli, Utkal Tarini and Ram Nagar Giant.
  • Small Round type: Aruna, CO-1, DBSR-44, DBSR-91, KKM-1, PKM-1, PLR-1, Pb. Moti, BSR-l1, Pusa Ankur and Pusa Bindu.
  • Hybrids
  • Long type : Pusa Hybrid-5 and RHRBH-3, BSS-127, BSS-513, Navina, Long Purple, Mamta, PPL-74, HABH-18, Sachin, TSX-251, NBH-171, GS-82-2WA, ARBH-201
  • Round type: Pusa Hybrid-6 and VRBHR-1, Utsav, BSS-540, Raveena, Surbhi, Neelma, Kuroi, HABH-17, Anurag, NDBH-1.
  • Oblong type: Arka Navneet, BH-1, BH-2, Pusa Hybrid-9, Ravaiya, ARBH 201, Vijay, Suman, Utkal, NBH-202, KBHR-4.
  • Small Round type : MHB-10, RHRBH-2, Mridula, BSS-426, BSS-468, ZEH-4078, ZEH-4011,EPH-139, NBH-627, Ajeet Virat. OS-84-2004. Phule Hybrid-2, MHB-39, ABH-1.