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Insect Pest Management

Shoot and fruit borer, ash weevil, aphids, hoppers, red spider mites, epilachna beetle are the major insect pests of brinjal, among which Brinjal shoot and fruit borer is the most serious pest of brinjal. Follow the IPM given below:  

1. Apply oiled neem cake @250-500 kg/ha to ridges at planting and repeat at flowering.(against ash weevil and fruit borer)
2. Weekly monitor wilting shoot tips having borer incidence. Cut and destroy such insect damaged shoot tips during pre-flowering and flowering period.
3. Regular destruction of larvae in swollen damaged flower buds and fruits after each harvest is compulsory.
4. Erect pheromone trap (10-15/acre) change the pheromone septa once in 50-60 days.
5. Spray Bacillus thuringiensis formulation (1 ml/l) at weekly interval followed by release Trichogramma chilonis @ 2,50,000/ha (50,000/release-5 times at weekly intervals, starting from flowering) was found to reduce the borer incidence.
6. Spray ranaxypir (0. 3 ml/l) once in 15 days if required for controlling fruit borer.
Other insect pest management:
 Apply oiled neem cake @250-500 kg/ha to ridges at planting and repeat at flowering.(against ash weevil
 Spray neem seed powder extract 4% or neem soap 1% at 10 days interval brings down the hopper population when it is moderate or low. Mix systemic insecticides like dimethoate 30 EC @ 2ml/l or imidacloprid 200 SL @ 0.3 ml/l or thiomethoxam (0.3 g/l) when the hopper incidence is high. However, this has to be done only 1- 2 times and maintain a pre-harvest interval of 7-10 days after synthetic insecticide spray.
 Collect and destroy leaf eating epilachna beetle grubs and adults
 Spray any contact insecticide like carbaryl 50 WP @ 3g/l or quinalphos 40 EC (1.5 ml/l) if required to control epilachna beetle
 sprays of dicofol 18.5 EC @ 2.5ml or any other acaricide like wettable sulphur 75 WP @ 3g/l
 As an alternative the chemical acaricides spray neem soap/pongamia soap 1%.
 Thorough spray on the under surface of the leaves is to be assured