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Crop Management & Diagnostic Solutions
ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research


Brinjal production

The Brinjal  or eggplant is an important solanaceous vegetable crop in many countries particularly India. It is cultivated throughout the country except in higher altitudes where it succumbs to frost injury. It is highly productive and usually finds its place as the poor man’s crop.


Brinjal Varieties

Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore has been continously striving to develop superior high yielding  Brinjal varieties namely Arka Anand, Arka Navneet, Arka Kushmakar, Arka Avinash, Arka Harshitha, Arka Unnathi, Arka Neelkanth etc. for high yielding varieties and disease resitance as well.


Disease management

Brinjal diseases and disorders have always been an important factor for the crop loss. To combat these factors we need to identify the symptoms, understand the exact cause beneath and endeavour effective measures to irradicate the pathogen at the earliest as possible.


Pest management

It is important that Brinjal Pest be recognized early in their development so that effective management strategies can be implemented. Shoot and fruit borer, ash weevil, aphids, hoppers, red spider mites, epilachna beetle are the major insect pests of brinjal, among which Brinjal shoot and fruit borer is the most serious pests. 


Kindly provide your details for queries on Brinjal cultivation. we will get back to you by E mail.